123 Listening offers free listening quiz worksheet makers to use with downloadable audio files and mp3 listening tracks available from the main page. See below for additional audio options.

There are currently 5 different listening worksheet templates. Choosing from 1,000s of images and many different themes that allows you to create listening tests with pictures, use your own audio script or download free audio from this site. These can be used with young learners and some don't require writing. Students can just select the answers.

Audio for these worksheets:
- Use Teacher created audio: You, the teacher, create your own custom adudio script and read that aloud.
- Use MES Online Audio: At MES English, there are online flash cards for each of these topics. You can access the page for 'daily routines' for example and play the audio through your computer or mobile device. When you click or touch the image, the application will play the audio for that word.
- Use 123 Listening audio files: There are 4 audio files for each of the 25+ topics. Each set has 8 matching worksheets but you can use that audio for your own custom worksheets if you'd like.

How to use the custom worksheets:
- Vocabulary Tests: Teachers can simply say the vocabulary word, 'volcano' and the students circle, connect, or write the appropriate item. The teacher can also talk about the item, 'This is an angry, fire mountain.' :) and students choose the best matching item.
- Longer scripts: Teachers can create longer scripts with certain tasks. For example tell students to choose the item that happened first. 'Yesterday, I did my homework in the moring. In the afternoon, I watched TV.'
- Writing: Two of the templates have space for writing. With these, students can write the words during the listening activity, or you can have them look up the words later and write them in. The writing can also be a separate listening task. For example, write the time or place something happened, 'Yesterday afternoon, I played tennis in the park.' the pictures are 'tennis' and 'baseball.' students cicle 'tennis' and write 'at the park.'

These can be used in all foreign language classes. So, teachers can use these listening tests in French classes, LOTE classes, German class, Spanish class and more. These are also great for preschool, kindergarten and other elementary school teachers to use as young learner printables for your lessons.

These worksheet makers come courtesy of another MES site:
Tools for Educators - make custom worksheets, games, bingo cards, dice, read worksheets, writing worksheets, board games and more with thousands of images!

123 Listening

home audio worksheets chants kids songs certificate templates printable cards

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