Make and print listening quizzes where students connect answers to pictures. With this worksheet, students don't need to be able to write the word, yet. Teachers can say the word for number 1. and students ned only connect the associated picture to the dot for number 1.
This worksheet maker creates a quiz with 13 images that students will connect to numbered answers. Choose your images and click make it to generate your worksheet. See below for a few options on how to use this worksheet.
How to use this worksheet:
- Teachers say a vocabulary word and studets connect that word to the question number. For example "Number 1. This is a lion." Students would find the picture of a lion and draw a line from the lion to the dot next to 1.
- Teachers can talk about the item in a sentence or a couple sentences. 'This animal is black and white.' -> 'zebra.' for example.
- The maker will randomize your selections into the worksheet. For a new configuration, click reload or refresh your browser.
This worksheet is great for young children. It's a step up in difficulty compared to only choosing from 2-3 images.
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